Tests provided through the Soil Testing Laboratory are intended to evaluate your soil's nutrient status, pH level, and/or problems due to excessive salts or fertilizer materials. Based on the test results and type of plants to be grown, you will receive fertilizer recommendations for healthy plant growth, with no adverse effects on the environment. Watch the video below to learn how to collect soil samples from your lawn or garden.
How to Submit Samples for Analysis
- Download, print and fill out the Lawn & Garden Soil Analysis Request Sheet. Use one sheet per sample. For faster turnaround, include your email address and we will email you the results.
- Follow the instructions for collecting samples on the second/back page of the PDF and watch the How to Take a Soil Sample video.
- The sample size should be about 2-3 cups.
- Place the sample in a secure container such as a clean plastic tub or sealable plastic bag. Label the container with a sample name or number that matches what you put on the request sheet.
- Enclose a check payable to the University of Minnesota for all services requested. Do NOT send cash - we cannot be responsible for cash sent through the mail. You may also pay with a credit card. Scroll down for prices.
- Send the sample(s), payment, and request sheet(s) to:
Soil Testing Laboratory, University of Minnesota
135 Crops Research Building
1902 Dudley Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108
You may also drop off samples in person. See Contact Us for directions. Free parking for sample drop-off is available along the curb on Dudley Avenue. There is a drop-box on the table outside the building, or you may come in and use the table outside room 135.
Note: While our tests are optimized for the upper Midwest, we accept soil from the anywhere in the continental US (including AK) that is not highlighted or marked on this map.
Tests Offered (with recommendations)
- Regular Series (phosphorus, potassium, pH (with lime requirement if needed) , organic matter (%) and estimated texture) - $21/sample
- Lead - $22/sample
- Soluble Salts (from excess fertilizer or road salt) - $9/sample
Professional Tests (no recommendations)
- Micronutrient Series (Zinc, Copper, Iron, Manganese) - $15/sample
- Calcium and Magnesium - $9/sample
- Nitrate - $9/sample
- Sulfur - $9/sample
- Boron - $9/sample
Prices effective January 2025. Note that prices are subject to change.
Due to limited storage space, soil samples are held for three months after reports are issued. After that, samples are discarded.